Depression - Get Help in Dallas and Singapore

Depression • Get help today at Therapy Rocks

Your depression can be treated Your depression can be successfully treated. You may be experiencing any number of symptoms like inability to concentrate, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or helplessness,  loss of interest in things you once liked,  persistent sadness or “empty” feelings; irritability and many others. The difference between normal sadness and depression Everyone experiences sadness at … Continue Reading

Self-Worth - Help at Therapy Rocks

Self-Worth Issues • Get help today at Therapy Rocks

 Understanding Self-Worth Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-love.  Its a direct measure of how you value and regard yourself despite the opinions of others, and the circumstances you are in.  To have a high level of self-worth means feeling worthy and deserving of good things such … Continue Reading

The Teenage Brain | Crazy by Design

The Teenage Brain | Crazy by Design

We tend to think of the teenage years as a time of turbulence; a crazy, tumultuous period in human life that is often marked by stormy arguments, sullen silences, hormones run amok and a roller-coaster ride of befuddling emotions that drive the teenage brain to poor decisions and risky behavior. The media depicts the typical teenage … Continue Reading

This is why Therapy Rocks!

What is in a name? For you linguistic buffs, the word “Rocks” in modern English means great, stylish, powerful or awesome; originally derived from the term Rock & Roll.  So, why Therapy Rocks?  Some people in society have wrongfully projected shame on those who have sought out therapy; it was time for a rebranding, hence … Continue Reading

Testimonials for Shyla Sreedharan

Testimonials | Shyla Sreedharan

Client Testimonial “I was deeply confused and unhappy in my marriage of 8 years.  Society, parents, and many friends urged me to remain in this unsatisfying marriage and just tough it out and bear with it, and I became more alone and isolated with my problems.  Shyla’s compassion and non-judgmental counselling enabled me to see … Continue Reading