Depression - Get Help in Dallas and Singapore

Depression • Get help today at Therapy Rocks

Your depression can be treated

Your depression can be successfully treated. You may be experiencing any number of symptoms like inability to concentrate, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or helplessness,  loss of interest in things you once liked,  persistent sadness or “empty” feelings; irritability and many others.

The difference between normal sadness and depression

Everyone experiences sadness at times. But depression is something more. It is extreme sadness or despair that lingers for more than two weeks, sapping you of energy and vitality. It interferes with the activities of daily life and causes loss of appetite, disruptive sleep and even physical pain. Major life changes, trauma and stress can also bring about an episode of depression, although some episodes of depression begin without any obvious external cause.

You are not alone

Depression is one of the most common reasons people seek therapy, and fortunately, the condition is treatable. Therapy also helps people to recognize and access their strength, autonomy, and capacity for change. These outcomes are difficult to achieve  in isolation, or from just talking to friends.  We can help.

Listening with heart

We make it easier for you to talk about what’s going on by holding the therapeutic space for you, listening with an open heart and without judgment. We are on your side.  Your experience of anxiety is unique to you and through the therapeutic process we will both gain a greater understanding of your circumstance and condition.   Knowledge is power and verbalizing  what is going on is the first step towards your healing journey.

Therapeutic goals

Setting and monitoring therapeutic goals is important to your recovery.  Together we will work through this process which can have you feeling more and more empowered as you improve and see your own goals achieved.

Benefits of Counseling for Depression

One of the biggest benefits of treatment you may see, besides an improvement in the way you feel, is in relationships.  Relationships with friends, family and work colleagues often improve greatly.  Most importantly, your relationship with yourself is enhanced as you learn to love yourself better.

Together we will establish the right treatment for you.  There are a number of therapeutic approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness in treating depression. They are  Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Psychodynamic Therapy.  There is no one “right” approach to therapy.  Together we will create a tailored treatment plan for your unique needs.. Psychotherapy can help you learn ways to better cope with stress and manage you symptoms of depression. These strategies can lead to recovery and enable you to function at your best.

You don’t have to feel alone, lost or afraid anymore. A professional therapist at Therapy Rocks is a knowledgeable guide who can help you find a solution for your emotional pain. 

Could you or someone close benefit from counseling or psychotherapy? Take the first step, EMAIL us now, or call (214) 918-8570 (USA), +65 9742-6259 (Singapore). You can also read our client & peer TESTIMONIALS, review the PACKAGE PRICING, or simply find out more about Us.

Counseling & Psychotherapy for life, love, and well-being.


Therapy Rocks

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